Showing posts with label Bowness-on-Windermere. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Bowness-on-Windermere. Show all posts

Tuesday 10 March 2015

Lucky to be in Lakeland

How lucky I am to live by England's largest lake. With nature and beauty all around, it surely is a feast for the eyes and tonic for the spirit. Artist's eyes often find beauty in the unconventional. For example the old Shepherds Aquarius building on the left is considered an eyesore by some, but I like it very much!
I admit it is in need of a coat of paint compared to this photo from a family album circa 1988.

Though the large slate sign remains, the chandlery shop, bar, disco, restaurant and coffee shop are long gone. With just the woollen shop in business, what wonderful studio spaces the vacant units would make! How I would love to sit bead looming on the top floor, looking out across the lake watching the steamers go by. Ah, maybe one day...
Back to reality, here we are looking north across Windermere from Bowness. From left to right we see Belle Isle, Claife Heights, Steel Fell, Loughrigg, Fairfield, Dove Crag, Wansfel, Red Screes, and Stony Cove Pike. This scene never fails to inspire and rejuvenate my soul. Click the image to enlarge, then dive right in.

Sunday 1 March 2015

Sunday walk (typical Lake District weather)

Today's plan was a ride on the ferry for a stroll on the western side of the Lake to take photos for the blog. It looked a fine day for it, so I packed a flask of Earl Grey tea and an oat bar in my basket and trundled off. However in true Lake District style, just as I was about to leave, the skies opened and it showed no sign of stopping! Despite being suitably togged up in Hunter wellies and a Joules waterproof mac, I decided to leave my National Trust land constitutional for another day. So until then, enjoy the photos of my little friend the Black Headed Gull perched on the viewfinder.